Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Printing an Introduction

Chapter No. 1:


Printing is concerned with words and words are made up by assembling individual letters in their proper sequence. A first step in training to be a printer is to learn how to set words in type. This is a craft which cannot be mastered overnight: it needs a good deal of study and sustained hard work. But one can be assured that all the time given to mastering the art of composing will be well rewarded by the interest and variety of task that printing affords.
The old saying ‘practice makes perfect’ is particularly relevant to typesetting and even professionals have to reckon on two or three years’ training before considering themselves truly proficient.

As stated before that the above written information is from the great work of Herbert Simon named “Introduction to Printing: The craft of Letterpress”.

The purpose of sharing these articles is to introduce the above described work.

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Printing is an art more than a knowledge. Printing is a practical work. A knowledge can be learned from good books or good teacher delivers it in a most convenient manner, but an art especially printing can be best learned in practice.